Post by ƒabio on Jan 27, 2003 18:01:40 GMT -5
bubblebee, thanky you ;D Orfeo, please send us some little cakes!!!!!! Please!!!
Post by P a t r i c k on Jan 27, 2003 18:29:22 GMT -5
happy b-day
Post by ♥Mary♥ on Jan 27, 2003 18:59:47 GMT -5
HOLY KANGAROO!!!! I almost forgot the birthday cake.... there! (hope that's enough for all of us!
Post by P a t r i c k on Jan 27, 2003 19:19:26 GMT -5
ummm I think we may need bigger! ;D
Post by orfeo on Jan 27, 2003 21:31:32 GMT -5
OMG, what have you DONE?!?! and ;D simultaneously Gosh, thankyou everybody! I couldn't believe it when I saw this. I'd like to know how on earth some of you DID some of the greetings in the first place. AWESOME! ;D I've been online for half an hour, but it took until now to see it because I go back to the oldest posts since I last logged on. Meanwhile you've been piling on the greetings. Sorry fabio, I'm not sure anything I sent you would last the journey. But I can send you all a big thankyou in the form of a HUG!
Post by P a t r i c k on Jan 27, 2003 21:38:23 GMT -5
Have a great day orfeo!
Post by undeniabledilemma on Jan 27, 2003 23:50:25 GMT -5
I could really go for some cake now...
Post by ♣Miranda♣ on Jan 28, 2003 1:48:53 GMT -5
How's your birthday going?
Post by orfeo on Jan 28, 2003 1:53:06 GMT -5
How's your birthday going? It's lovely thankyou - I got to give a lawyer a quick kick up the rear end which is always satisfying! Also ate too much cheesecake. My work has a policy of birthday person brings the cake. Sorry people, didn't manage to save any for trans-Pacific transport. I'm almost ready to buy myself my own birthday present - a new computer! Current one is sitting on my desk at home being rather dead. Internal battery is stuffed and monitor blew up about a month ago. I have to go now, I think I'm supposed to be going out for dinner. Nothing major, as we actually had the main celebration yesterday (Monday) because it was a public holiday. ...none of that made a lot of sense but I'm in a hurry. BYEEEEE!
Post by ♥Mary♥ on Jan 28, 2003 2:02:18 GMT -5
I'm LMAO about the cheesecake comment..... Weren't you the one whom I told to stay away from the "rich foods", which your name (per Jennifer's 'what's in a name' thread waaay back when) suggested you indulged in too much!? And I specifically mentioned cheesecake! Hehehe.....maybe those name things were pretty acurate after all?! Glad you had a nice day.....and thank YOU for all the kind words & thankyou's!