Post by Hellfire on Jan 15, 2006 18:37:23 GMT -5
ok, i need to fill an 80-minute cd and only have 25 minutes so far to fill. i know Tori has like a bazillion non-album tracks and i only have, like, 6 of them. so i was wondering if anyone could tell me a list of them (or PM me some of them, even better!). the ones i have are:
Snow Cherries From France Angels Upside Down Take To The Sky Mary Sweet Dreams
i have also heard and not liked Merman and The Pool. plus i have Flying Dutchman recorded on another cd already. ok, so what else do i need? hit me with them!
Post by *Herry* on Jan 15, 2006 18:59:41 GMT -5
Paulsie-chan! You're gonna need a lot more than 80 minutes, I gotta tell you!! But it all depends on whether you consider covers and official soundtrack material to be classified as b-sides as well (which I do, lol). Here's a list of them from hereinmyhead.com: after all alamo all the girls hate her amazing grace angie apollo's frock bachelorette beulah land black swan bug a martini a case of you cooling daisy dead petals do it again famous blue raincoatflying dutchman frog on my toe garlands graveyard have yourself a merry little christmas here. in my head home on the range (cherokee edition) honey humpty dumpty hungarian wedding song if 6 was 9 indian summer london girls mary mary (re-recorded) merman mountain never seen blue ode to the banana king only women bleed operation peter pan over it over the rainbow the pool purple people (christmas in space) ruby through the looking-glass samurai seaside sister janet sister named desire smells like teen spirit song for eric strange fruit sugar sweet dreams sweet dreams (re-recorded) take to the sky thank you that's what i like mick this old man thoughts til the chicken tombigbee toodles mr jim upside down I'm pretty sure that's all of them. Mary and Sweet Dreams were re-recorded for the TOAL album. They are both slightly different in general song make-up, and Tori's voice of course, is more matured on TOAL. You can get most of them from Collecting Bees: www.collectingbees.com/downloads/bees.htmlCollaborations and Official Soundtrack: www.collectingbees.com/downloads/collabs.htmlHope you find them all..... Let us know if you need anymore help
Post by ♪Carly♪ on Jan 15, 2006 19:08:48 GMT -5
famous blue raincoat isn't on that list! ♥
Post by *Herry* on Jan 15, 2006 19:17:05 GMT -5
famous blue raincoat isn't on that list! ♥ oops, it was out getting cigarettes.... #34#
Post by talulad on Jan 15, 2006 19:18:13 GMT -5
Hey if you haven't heard this song called Merman it's really great, you should put it on there, I know you'd love it because you have such good taste hehehe
Post by Hellfire on Jan 15, 2006 21:19:45 GMT -5
haha, thanks Helsie and Carly and - ehem - Jason. right now i'm downloading Smells Like Teen Spirit and Famous Blue Raincoat off the web (yes, i consider everything that's not on an official album to be a b-side so to speak) and i'll be definetely checking out on, well, everything i can find, lol. thanks a lot!
now comes the logistic nightmare: arrange it chronologically or listen to them all and spent 2 weeks deciding which order flows better only to realize i don't have enough space to fit them in a single cd? lol, isn't my life exciting.
Post by *Herry* on Jan 15, 2006 21:27:21 GMT -5
You're welcome, Paulsie.
My More Pink cd that came as a bonus with UTP flows very nicely in my opinion:
1. A Case of You 2. Honey 3. Daisy Dead Petals 4. Sister Janet 5. Sugar 6. Take to the Sky 7. Upside Down 8. Flying Dutchman 9. Here. in my head (live) 10. Black Swan 11. Little Drummer Boy
Oh, Here. in my head is also out there as a studio recording, but for me, this particular live recording captures the song perfectly. It sounds too rushed for me in the studio, and I don't think I've ever listened to it more than twice. I'll PM you the live version that came with the bonus More Pink cd.
Post by Ben on Jan 16, 2006 5:50:47 GMT -5
...yes, i consider everything that's not on an official album to be a b-side so to speak... so that includes remixes too yeah? If so check out these: crucify (remix) - similar to LP versiontalula (bt's synethasia mix) in the springtime of his voodoo (hasbrouck heights single mix) in the springtime of his voodoo (hasbrouck heights club mix) in the springtime of his voodoo (quiet mix) sugar (dub) hey jupiter (dakota version) professional widow (merry widow version - live) professional widow (armand star trunk funkin mix) professional widow (mk mix) professional widow (just da funk dub) professional widow (mk vampire dub) professional widow (armands instrumental) professional widow (bonus beats) professional widow (mr roys 7" edit) professional widow (mr roys cosmic cottage mix) cruel (shady feline mix) - similar to LPraspberry swirl (lipgloss version) - awsome!!ambient raspberry swirl - sweeeeet!!ambient spark - Its ok... concertina (single mix) - similar to LPby the way some of the dance and club type mixes are terrible, they really destroy the song IMO. I swear thats the last time I edit this! haha
Post by *Herry* on Jan 16, 2006 6:23:29 GMT -5
by the way some of the dance and club type mixes are terrible, they really destroy the song IMO. Yeah, I agree. My sister once said that Tori Amos was 'really rude' after she heard the Professional Widow remix at a club. You know the one - where the lines, 'Honey bring it close to my lips, yeah' and 'It's gotta be big' are repeated over and over. It was hard to convince sis that it was taken totally out of context..... Essentially though, they're just drum and bass and have nothing to do with the original. Although, I heard one of the DMMCTV remixes and it was actually quite good. More of the original music was used I think. Paulo, if you get a taste for remixes, try this fan site also: Remix.chasethetideI quite like Doughnut Song (Devoted Satellite mix), Baker, Baker (Matt's Sultry Groove Mix) and Horses (KGK House Mix). I haven't heard them all, though, cos there's quite the motherload of them! HAVE FUNS! #20#
Post by Ben on Jan 16, 2006 9:35:45 GMT -5
thanks hels! awsome site!
Post by Hellfire on Jan 16, 2006 9:59:49 GMT -5
hey, can somebody PM me the original In The Springtime Of His Voodoo? i only have that horrible european version of BFP that replaced it with that hideous remix of Professional Widow... how about Mountain? i'd love having that too.
Post by Hellfire on Jan 16, 2006 10:45:15 GMT -5
oh, and here are the songs i already downloaded:
Finn Paradiso Perduto Sister Named Desire Do It Again Upside Down Take To The Sky Toodles Mr. Jim That's What I Like Mick Carnival
If 6 Was 9 Purple People (studio version)
Cooling (studio version) Sweet Dreams Snow Cherries From France
Happy Worker Samurai Strange Fruit Mary Smells Like Teen Spirit Bachelorette
Famous Blue Raincoat Amazing Grace/Til The Chicken Hungarian Wedding Song
the ones crossed out are the ones i didn't like and thus didn't keep. in addition to the ones i mentioned before, i'd also desperately like to have that Doughnut Song remix Ben mentioned and the Lust remix Helen sent me a looooooooooong time ago. i also haven't been able to find Sister Janet, Never Seen Blue and Honey anywhere. i did find a demo of Honey, but i'm not sure if there are others available. oh Ben, hit me with those Raspberry Swirl remixes too, please!
Post by matzy on Jan 16, 2006 17:57:21 GMT -5
though i'm probably the last person you'd accept any help from, i could provide (i.e. upload):
sugar (live) honey (live) take to the sky upside down a case of you after all black swan famous blue raincoat flying dutchman humpty dumpty if 6 was 9 landslide (live) little drummer boy (live) merman mountain ode to the banana king only women bleed operation peter pan song for eric strange (radio version) strange fruit
Post by *Herry* on Jan 16, 2006 18:18:20 GMT -5
thanks hels! awsome site! No worries, Ben! There are a few reeeeally weird ones, but there are a couple of decent ones in there. I quite like the mixes by John B and Matt Y.
Post by Natasha~ on Jan 16, 2006 20:06:05 GMT -5
My personal favorites today are: Sister Janet Upside Down Operation Peter Pan...
Post by ♪Carly♪ on Jan 16, 2006 21:16:19 GMT -5
I personally can't help someone who doesn't like Merman or Famous Blue Raincoat. hehe... ♥
Post by Hellfire on Jan 16, 2006 23:36:12 GMT -5
oh come on Carly, i tried. and i'd gladly take Black Swan, After All, Mountain, Only Women Bleed and Operation Peter Pan if they are studio versions, please. oh yes, and is the radio version of Strange too different from the album version?
Post by matzy on Jan 17, 2006 2:07:34 GMT -5
the radio version is pretty much the same as the album version, with electric guitars added to it. i love it.
and those you wanted - the ones i have are studio versions. i'll send them to you soon.
Post by Hellfire on Jan 17, 2006 8:37:51 GMT -5
okey dokey, thanks.
Post by ♪Carly♪ on Jan 17, 2006 13:30:36 GMT -5
I wish I COULD help you, but my b-side mp3s are on my computer, which hasn't been hooked up for ages.