Post by Natasha~ on Feb 9, 2003 16:00:30 GMT -5
sorry everyone! I accidentally erased the abortion thread, you can post your further comments on it here...sorry!! you can all egg me now! BOO NATTIE! xo
Post by orfeo on Feb 9, 2003 21:06:19 GMT -5
*orfeo eggs nattie for the hell of it, even though he's not all that upset about the departure of the abortion thread*
Post by Angie812 on Feb 9, 2003 21:10:13 GMT -5
i didnt even notice it was missing..ooooooppppppppssssss
Little Arsonist
"my heart is like the ocean it gets in the way"
Posts: 103
Post by riotproofer on Feb 9, 2003 21:41:58 GMT -5
i am so sad it was erased because i just posted something. well, i have no problems reiterating my opinions. i am pro-life, but i am a liberal. i want to follow what the constitution says. everyone is guranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. this is inequivical. we all have this inherent basic right. that is way i oppose war (especially the way bush is handling it), capital punishment, and hate crimes. we all have the right to life regardless of whether we are "unplanned", an iraqi, a murderer, or gay. i was surprised when i read that a lot of people personally opposed abortion but didn't want to force their views on anyone else. that's like me saying i would never rob an old lady but others can. i believe pro-life doesn't mean that i am anti-choice. it means that i am for more choices, more options. i great deal of women who get abortions are lower income women or they are faced with the prospect of losing their job. a lot of women think that abortion is their only choice. this is a way for the government to look the other way when it comes to poverty. we are such a blessed, wealthy nation no one should have to choose between a child and a career. and as for tori's quote (which i don't think necessarily meant she felt one way or the other) i do plan to adopt several children when i am an adult. we should offer day care at work and raise mimimum wage. margaret sanger-who was a screwed up individual wanted to limit the amount of children the poor, blacks, jews, etc had. abortion is in some ways doing this. african americans have the highest rate of abortions. and the poor tend to have high rates of abortions too. it is just another way to ignore our countries problems. and as for someone's thoughs on adoption- that foster care was already overcrowded- that is untrue. there are thousands of waiting families in america. they are forced to go to other countries to adopt. and not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is a fallacy if you believe that these children will be suffered from foster home to foster home. i lot of people have doubts about the fetus is a life or not. let me present this scenario. if you were in the woods hunting and you saw something move, and there was a small chance it could be human. would you shot? of cource not. at the moment the egg is fertilized everything is predetermined. the baby (or fetus's ) eye color, height, etc. it is really amazing. i do believe it is human because it has its own unique dna and its heart begins to beat at three weeks (that means that abortion stops a beating heart) but even if you aren't convinced we can not take that risk. 43 million people (or potential people if you want) have been annihilated by abortion. what if the person who would cure aids or cancer was aborted? i'll stop now because i know i am just going on and on. what do you guys think?
Post by MrLight on Feb 9, 2003 22:48:41 GMT -5
are you talking about MY abortion thread???
Little Arsonist
"my heart is like the ocean it gets in the way"
Posts: 103
Post by riotproofer on Feb 9, 2003 22:53:29 GMT -5
i didn't mean it in a mean way. and i think the abortion thread i read had a lot of people's comments. that's just how i feel, and though i do feel very stringly about my pro-life stance i was taught to always listen to what other's say and consider their views. i hope i didn't seem too harsh.
Post by Mary on Feb 9, 2003 23:09:37 GMT -5
I do and I don't believe in abortion.
Haullie's DO belief!
I do believe in abortion to an extent. I do not believe women should use abortion as an easy way out. It's a human life and it should be respected. But however if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant due to that rape or if a young child say at the age of 11 is sexually abused and becomes pregnant from rape it should be legal for those individuals to abort their pregnancies simply because they should be able to make the choice whether or not they would like to bring life into this world. Imagine the emotional damage it takes to raise a child from the product of a rape.
Haullie's DON'T Belief
I do NOT believe in abortion in the aspect that a woman just wants to either change her mind, made a mistake or is too young. You open your legs you should be able to accept your responsibilities. That is a human life. If you are mature enough to have sex un-safely obviously you must think you are mature enough to take care of another human life so I think that kind of abortion should be illegal.
Post by Angie812 on Feb 9, 2003 23:16:05 GMT -5
time to repost my lil cheesy opinion... I believe... *it is a womans right to choose...we bring it in the world (and yes we need males for this and im not putting them down...lets imagine a watermelon coming out the size of a lemon shall we?)yikes! *not everyone is ment to be a parent..face it its true *adoption agencies are filled to the gills with children who have not been adopted..breaks my heart *women are raped and sexually assaulted they should have the right to terminate something of this nature I dont believe *in those posters of dead and mutaliated babies (ppl act like getting an abortion is like getting ur nails done or something) *that abortion is a form of birth control... NO GLOVE NO LOVE..so cheesy isnt it but tru!! *we should judge another..life is hard enough w/o someone judgin you on a act u have done....how many ppl do you actaully know they had abortion and boast about them? *thats how i feel hope i dont offend anyone... i follwed haullies format seemed easier than paragraph form.much easier on the eyes
Post by fearscape222 on Feb 9, 2003 23:21:32 GMT -5
Well, I'm Pro-Choice but I know I could not have an abortion myself. My mom had me when she was in high school and I easily could have been an abortion - actually she had an abortion AFTER I was born, so it touches a nerve with me. I actually have never wanted kids, and if I my irresponsibility gets me pregnant I will definitely have the baby. I don't believe people should basically use it as "birth control" because they just weren't ready for a kid. Then they shouldn't be having sex then.
Post by orfeo on Feb 10, 2003 1:36:23 GMT -5
I can't remember exactly what I posted, but I don't think I need to either because Haullie has pretty well summed up my views. (OMG we agree on something Haullie ) I'm one of those people who's not sure whether I could force my views onto others (in the form of law), but I'm quite amazed sometimes at how people deny the fact that pregnancy is a natural result of sex. People who have consensual sex should open their eyes and realise what they're getting into. Rape and sexual abuse is a completely different kettle of fish. I would hope the victim would find another way to deal with the situation other than abortion, but I'd understand if they chose to abort and they should be allowed that choice. Dammit, I think I've just restated half my post anyway! ;D
Little Diamond
~*It always rains the hardest on those that deserve the sun*~
Posts: 17
Post by raisangrrl on Feb 10, 2003 8:43:53 GMT -5
great deal of women who get abortions are lower income women or they are faced with the prospect of losing their job. a lot of women think that abortion is their only choice. african americans have the highest rate of abortions. and the poor tend to have high rates of abortions too. 5 years ago i would've been considered amongst the poor, the 'lower income'. i have 2 children. i know alot of woman who have no husbands, boyfriends, or family to help them with anything, and they still work, pay their bills, and feed their children. just because someone is in a lower class doesn't mean that they just go out and have abortions. there is usually a much bigger reason than 'i'm poor'. and as for someone's thoughs on adoption- that foster care was already overcrowded- that is untrue. there are thousands of waiting families in america. they are forced to go to other countries to adopt. and not that there is anything wrong with that, but it is a fallacy if you believe that these children will be suffered from foster home to foster home. have you ever been in foster care? i have. in 9 years i saw 350 children come and go. and about 80% of those children didn't even need to be there. i was one that didn't need to be there, but since DSS or CPS, whatever you want to call it, has to have a 'quota' on how many kids they 'need' to put into foster care, or 'need' to be adopted, the children who really do need a foster home get pushed aside. not to mention, that alot of people who do the whole foster home thing (not saying all, because i have met a very few amount of people who just love kids), do it for the money. you get $800 per month per child. right now barbra owes me $70,000. why? because when i was adopted at 12, she was still getting money for adopting me til i was 21. there are some good loving people out there, but unfortunatly the money hungry people overrule the nice people. about 7 out of every 10 foster homes is an abusive home. i lot of people have doubts about the fetus is a life or not. let me present this scenario. if you were in the woods hunting and you saw something move, and there was a small chance it could be human. would you shot? of cource not. at the moment the egg is fertilized everything is predetermined. the baby (or fetus's ) eye color, height, etc. it is really amazing. i do believe it is human because it has its own unique dna and its heart begins to beat at three weeks (that means that abortion stops a beating heart) but even if you aren't convinced we can not take that risk. then why aren't you out picketing the market of chicken eggs? do you really want to know how many eggs i've cracked open with live babies inside? and are you trying to presume that people who have abortions are murderers? maybe you should interview a few woman who have had them, and you'll find out it wasn't the easiest choice to make. 43 million people (or potential people if you want) have been annihilated by abortion. what if the person who would cure aids or cancer was aborted? there were cures for them, til people decided it was ok to teardown, overrun, build things on top of rainforests and alomost all natural resorces for cures for any disease. all these new fab medicines, they're just to bring more money to the government. sure they say that if you recieve chemo for cancer that you have a chance, but with a price. a large price at that, where most insurance companies won't even cover it. i have a friend who has been HIV positive for 14 years, and hasn't taken all of the HIV/AIDS drugs out there. meanwhile someone who has just contracted the disease gets put on some medication, and before you know it, they have full blown AIDS. the human race will never find a cure for these diseases, without experimanting on other humans or animals first. ~~~~~~~~~~~ i agree with haullie though. with all the education out there, woman know that there are alot of birth control options out there (the pill, the ring, the patch, the shot, implants, IUDs, etc.), and if you're having sex you need to take precautions, not only to make sure you don't get pregnant, but to make sure you don't get an STD as well. but in the same respect, men need to think about the consequences as well, all they have to do is pull on a condom, or even go on the new birth control they have for men (it lowers sperm count, the lower the sperm count, the lower the chances of getting a woman pregnant). because we all know it takes 2 to tango. right now, i'm getting shots of birth control, but my husband has volunteered himself to get a vasectomy, because we both know that without some form of birth control, i will get pregnant, i'm just that fertile. example: i wasn't supposed to get pregnant with my daughter, i had just got off the shot. once off the shot, it takes 6 months to a year before you start menstrating properly again, and the possibility of getting pregnant is very very very slim. haha, yeah, ok, i was pregnant within 3 weeks of being off the shot. but even so, neither of my kids were an 'accident', just a blessing in disguise and i will never tell them that they were accidents either. i'm really not trying to come off as a bitch. these are just my opinions.... nattie, i would've been fine if this thread never even surfaced again. would have made me the happiest friggin' person in the world. ok, i'm done now. back to the hole from which i came....
Little Arsonist
"my heart is like the ocean it gets in the way"
Posts: 103
Post by riotproofer on Feb 10, 2003 14:08:57 GMT -5
sorry if i came off as if i was blaming the poor(my family would be considered lower income too!) but i think you missed the point. our government should do more to help women so that they can provide for their children. i love what georgetown university is doing. the school is making it possible for pregnent girls to get their degrees. and yes in a survey done by alan guttmacher institute (an affiliate of planned parenthood) 66% of the women who had aborions said they couldn't afford a child. when you look at a number like 43 million that is a lot of women who probably wouldn't have got an abortion if they weren't paid the ridiculous sum of five dollars an hour or whatever mimimum wage is. and for those of you that were discussing rape- only 1% of abortions are a result of rape or incest. and also our culture is sex crazed and i am always shocked when people are shocked that a girl is pregnent and single. do some people not realize that this is a consequence of sex? and don't compare babies to chicken eggs. that's just sad. it reminds me of PETA. how can you compare a beautiful baby to a chicken? animals get more respect. there is a serious problem with over population with dogs. so why don't we terminate dogs' pregnencies? and i am not calling anyone a murderer. i can't judge someone. i have a close friend who had an abortion and she suffers everyday. i think the people who advertise "choice" any time and any where during the pregnency are wrong. some women who have had aborions become the biggest pro-life advocates (including roe and doe, and many abortion doctors). and on a closing note, you think that hitler was on the right track experimenting with humans? the point i was trying to make is 1/3 of my generation is gone. whether you are pro-life or pro-choice that is a big deal
Post by desperatefaery on Feb 12, 2003 17:42:24 GMT -5
I have a hard time with abortion as I do with the term rape..
I know two people who have had abortions. A girl i knew in High school, her uncle was, in my opinoin, abusing her. she ended up pregnant by him. It was the strangest thing for me to hear. All I wanted to do was hold her. i talked to her, sometime after I graduated and she said she was fine. It's just weird...
I believe if a woman is going to have health problems during the pregnancy, or was raped, is fine to have an abortion.
Otherwise, it's not a thing to just 'do' because you got pregnant by accident.
I can't even imagine being pregnant...